Blood Value: A Legitimate Blood Service Platform

Revolutionizing Blood Donation and Supply

Every year, countless lives are at risk due to a lack of blood supply during surgeries and emergencies. Siyang Xu, a visionary designer, recognized the urgent need for a legitimate blood platform and created Blood Value. This innovative service platform aims to connect blood donors with those in need, ensuring a steady and reliable blood supply for hospitals and patients.

Blood Value was inspired by the challenges faced by individuals who require blood transfusions. Xu realized that the illegal trade of blood was not only endangering lives but also contributing to the spread of diseases. To combat this issue, Blood Value provides a legal and efficient solution for blood donation and supply.

What sets Blood Value apart is its emphasis on World Blood Donation Day, a global initiative to encourage blood donation. The platform leverages this special day to raise awareness and motivate individuals to contribute to the cause. By utilizing a user-friendly mobile application, Blood Value effectively addresses the demand and supply issues surrounding blood.

The technology behind Blood Value involves code programming and UI design, with collaboration from various hospitals. The platform's specifications include a width of 414 points and a height of 896 points, ensuring compatibility across different devices.

Blood Value offers a seamless user experience through its intuitive interface. The main page features two core functions: blood donation and blood demand. Users can easily locate nearby qualified hospitals on a map and schedule their blood donation process based on their physical condition. For those in need of blood, the platform allows individuals to publish information articles specifying their blood type requirements. Users can check the local hospital's blood inventory and connect with potential blood donors.

The development of Blood Value began in January 2019, with extensive research conducted to identify pain points in the blood donation process. The platform aims to streamline and improve these processes, ultimately saving time for both donors and recipients. Additionally, Blood Value addresses the issue of unqualified blood in the donation process, ensuring the highest quality and safety standards through collaboration with various hospitals.

Creating a new blood donation platform presented several challenges for Siyang Xu and the design team. They had to break away from traditional blood donation processes and establish a system that prioritized efficiency and blood quality. By eliminating illegal blood trade, Blood Value aims to create a safe and reliable network that benefits both donors and recipients.

Blood Value is a testament to the power of design in addressing critical societal issues. By providing a legitimate blood service platform, Xu Siyang has made a significant contribution to improving healthcare outcomes and saving lives. This groundbreaking design has been recognized with the Bronze A' Design Award in the Mobile Technologies, Applications, and Software Design category in 2020. This prestigious accolade celebrates designs that showcase technical and creative excellence while making a positive impact on society.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Siyang Xu
Image Credits: Siyang Xu
Project Team Members: Zhouping Wei
Project Name: Blood Value
Project Client: Siyang Xu

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